2004 • vidéo numérique • 20’
avec le groupe chorégraphique « Corpo de baile » : Juliana Araújo, Rafael Assef, Daniela Augusto, Thiago Azambuja, Marcio Banfi, Cris Bierenbach, Lia Chaia, Priscila Dias, Marcos Gallon, Joana Godoy, Leandro Lima, Gisela Motta, Danilo Rabelo, Julia Rodrigues, Ira Trevisan, coordination : Marcos Gallon.
Captation de la performance présentée par Corpo de Baile à l’hôtel « Lord Palace Hotel », São Paulo, Brésil, le 7 novembre 2004.
En 2004, je me rends à São Paulo, au Brésil, pour cinq mois, dans le cadre d’une résidence Villa Médicis Hors-les-murs, afin de réaliser le film Celui qui aime a raison. Sur place, je rencontre ceux qui deviendront les acteurs du film, dont Marcos Gallon, danseur et chorégraphe.
Par intérêt pour son travail et dans un esprit d’échange, je lui propose de filmer et de monter une captation du spectacle Lord Palace Hotel qu’il présente dans un hôtel désaffecté du centre-ville de São Paulo. Ce sera l’une de ses dernières créations avant qu’il ne rejoigne, l’année suivante, la Galeria Vermelho, où il organise depuis le prestigieux festival de performances VERBO.
In 2004, I went to São Paulo, Brazil, for five months as part of a Villa Médicis Hors-les-murs residency to create the film Celui qui aime a raison (The One Who Loves Is Right). While there, I met those who would become the actors in the film, including Marcos Gallon, a dancer and choreographer.
Intrigued by his work and in a spirit of collaboration, I offered to film and edit a recording of his performance Lord Palace Hotel, which he was presenting in a disused hotel in downtown São Paulo. This would become one of his final creations before he joined, the following year, the Galeria Vermelho, where he has since organized the prestigious VERBO performance festival.
Intrigued by his work and in a spirit of collaboration, I offered to film and edit a recording of his performance Lord Palace Hotel, which he was presenting in a disused hotel in downtown São Paulo. This would become one of his final creations before he joined, the following year, the Galeria Vermelho, where he has since organized the prestigious VERBO performance festival.